5 Health Benefits of Avocados
5 Health Benefits of Avocados

Avocado – a fruit or a vegetable? “Avo-vaavos” as my nephew says is indeed a fruit and is categorized as a single seeded green colored berry, with its umami taste and high fat content.

1.  Why Avocados Are Good for Weight Loss?

On average an avocado contains 200 calories of this 140 – 170 calories (70% – 85% of total calories) consists of fat. There are two types of fat monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, avocados consist of monounsaturated fat.

Studies have shown that monounsaturated fats such as oleic acid reduces blood pressure and increases fat burning. Given an avocado is high in calories and contains healthy fats this can keep you feeling filled and be a great substitute for saturated and trans fats.

2. How Avocados Maintain Healthy Skin?

Avocados are a great source of Vitamin C & E which are vital in maintaining healthy skin due to its antioxidant properties. Vitamin C is an active ingredient in many skin products as it helps protect the skin by repairing damage caused by UV rays.

Eating avocados can also help stimulate collagen, collagen, a protein made up of amino acids that keeps the skin together. Collagen provides the skin with elasticity and firmness. The production of collagen decreases with age, vitamin C which is present in avocados can stimulate the collagen to keep producing.

3. Benefits to Healthy Digestion

Avocados contain half of our recommended daily fiber intake, they pass straight through our digestive system as they consist of insoluble fiber. Insoluble fibers increase the speed in which food pass through the digestive system.

4. Keeping the Heart Strong

As mentioned above Avocado is known to be very high in fat however Avocados do not contain any cholesterol. This makes avocado a great substitute to replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats found in avocados. Adding Avocados in to a low cholesterol diet can will keep the heart healthy by clearing up blocked arteries.

5. How Can Avocado Consumption Help Control Osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is common in older people and is due to the wear and tear of joints. The condition comprises of inflammation in the joints which can lead to joint pain. Avocado oil can help drastically reduce joint pain as it retains the ability to repair damaged cartilages.

Maple Holistics: Avocado Oil 

One of the best form of Avocado in oil form is the one from Maple Holistics – Could be used as a deep tissue moisturizer, for hair growth, could  also be used in face pack,  for joint pains.


Picture courtesy: Maple Holistics

Take care of your body, it is the only place you really have to live! 🙂 

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